New Chart Engine Releasing to Early Adopters Soon

November 15, 2023

FabTime’s new chart engine continues our multi-year evolution to meet our end-users’ request that FabTime be more powerful and more user-friendly. End-users wanted more advanced functionality in FabTime, to cut the time wasted exporting data to Excel or another package for analysis. But they also wanted FabTime to be more friendly to new users, so a wider audience could benefit from it. We’ve made major improvements each year in that direction:

  • 2020: Replaced our static data table with AG Grid, bringing client-side data table sorting, filtering, and pivoting into the browser.
  • 2021: Overhauled the user interface, charts menu, and search functionality, radically improving ease of use.
  • 2022: Added free-form home page tabs and sparkline charts, for more flexible dashboarding.
  • 2023: Migrated to a modern chart engine, enabling live charts (chart image responds automatically to data grid filtering and sorting), boxplots, histograms, and multi-pane charts that present both detailed data and summary statistics.

These changes improve our customers’ ability to work uninterrupted in FabTime and lessen the need to export static datasets for analysis via different platforms. Having live charts linked to the data grid allows users to dig into the data and see graphical answers immediately. FabTime customers interested in becoming early adopters for the new charting engine should contact FabTime support. Prospective customers who would like to see a demo should visit our Request A Demo web page.